Job Type : Contract
Number Of Applications : 5
Job Posted On : 10/03/2021
Job Posted On : 10/03/2021
Job Duration: 6 months
Hourly Rate: €50 - €63
Daily Rate: €400 - €500
Monthly Salary: €8,800 - €11,000
You will act as a Senior Technical Engineer Leading Test Environments and Data Management. You will manage available frameworks and tools to drive the activity of quality assurance across IT to focus on the needs of the client and manage test environment/data bookings. You must have a wide range of experience across many technical platforms with a high-level understanding of IT architecture, design, networking, operational service, and support.
Test Triangle is an emerging IT service provider specializing in application testing, DevOps, RPA, Custom software development, mobile app development, Atlassian consultancy, niche IT staff augmentation and training in advanced technologies. Possessing strong experience in different industry verticals such as Banking & Finance, Healthcare, Retail, IT & Education, Test Triangle has developed a unique approach to provide better value to the clients.
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