Job Type : Contract/Permanent
Number Of Applications : 59
Job Posted On : 24/02/2022
Job Posted On : 24/02/2022
Job Duration: 5 months
Daily Salary: Negotiable
I capable of operating all equipment in Sulfuric Acid industry and control all the process by field or DCS like pressure, temperatur, level, flow, PH, logic, and interlock system and I capable of operating all equipment and process parameters in CS2 Plant (Oil and Gas Industry) and control the process by field or DCS like pressure, temperatur, level, flow, PH, logic, and interlock system.
APR produces 100% natural and biodegradable viscose rayon used in textile products. Made from renewable wood cellulose, APR is committed to sustainable sourcing and efficient manufacturing, producing top quality products that address customer needs while touching the lives of the communities around our areas of operations.