Job Type : Contract
Number Of Applications : 6
Job Posted On : 05/07/2022
Job Posted On : 05/07/2022
Job Duration: 1 day
Hourly Rate: $15 - $20
Daily Rate: $120 - $160
Monthly Salary: $2,640 - $3,520
Requirement: +21 years of age, sound knowledge of written and verbal English, computer literacy, eye for detail, strong observational skills, owns a smartphone with a good camera.
Company Name: Onion Insights Pvt. Ltd.
We are looking for freelance individuals to work on a small Research assignment (Mystery Shopping) in the city of Baku in Azerbaijan. You will be required to spend 2-3 hours only for this assignment. The fee for this Research assignment is USD 40 and we will pay via Paypal, in 30 days post completion of the Research assignment, provided it is duly accepted.
Mystery Shopping is the use of individuals trained/briefed to experience and measure any customer service process, by acting as potential customers/actual customers and in some way reporting back on their experiences in a detailed manner. You can Mystery Shop in your leisure time and earn some pocket money or get some cool merchandise from time to time. Interested already? Go ahead and apply with us now!
Onion Insights is a Global Customer Experience Measurement company headquartered in Mumbai, India and member of the Mystery Shoppers Professional Associaton - Europe/Africa and Asia/Pacific. We help clients from different industries around the world to measure and improve their Customer Service offerings with the aid of Mystery Shopping programs.
Know more about us here -
Onion Insights is a Global Customer Experience Measurement company headquartered in Mumbai, India and members of the Mystery Shoppers Professional Associaton - Europe/Africa and Asia/Pacific. We help clients from different industries around the world to measure and improve their Customer Service offerings with the aid of Mystery Shopping programs. Know more about us here -
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