Job Type : Permanent
Number Of Applications : 0
Job Posted On : 10/05/2024
Job Posted On : 10/05/2024
Work location: Dublin, Ireland
Remote work allowed: Hybrid
Job Description:
Experience documenting detailed designs with class and sequence diagrams.
• Expert in web technologies such as Golang, Spring, Kafka, JavaScript, JQuery,
• Experience with responsive design, working with RESTful APIs and JSON.
• Strong experience in converting monolithic applications into microservices architecture.
• Ability to debug server-side API calls and contribute to the design of best-practice RESTful APIs.
• Advanced knowledge of Linux/Unix and security standards.
• Knowledge/experience using cloud native development such as PCF, AWS/Azure, etc.
• Experience with performance testing and benchmarking.
• Experience in Database Design, Oracle Databases, strong knowledge of PL/SQL.
• Working Knowledge of tools like Sonar, Dynatrace, GIT, ALM, CI (Jenkins)/CD, Splunk.
• Understanding of Web/Application servers like Websphere 8, Apache Tomcat.
• Ability to be high-energy, detail-oriented, proactive and able to function under pressure in an independent environment along with a high degree of initiative and self-motivation to drive results.
• Strong communication skills -- both verbal and written – and strong relationship, collaboration skills and organizational skills.
• Ability to quickly learn and implement new technologies, frameworks and tools and support multiple concurrent activities and to interface with external / internal resources.
• Experience using the Agile Methodology.
• Ability to deal with pressure situation without compromising the processes.
• Result oriented, self-driven and go-getter abilities.
Mandatory skills:
IT Recruiting Company
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