Job Type : Permanent
Number Of Applications : 96
Job Posted On : 28/06/2022
Job Posted On : 28/06/2022
Dispense Prescriptions, maintaining stock records, Order medicine stock as per requirement.
Dispense Prescriptions, maintaining stock records, Order medicine stock as per requirement.
Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Eye Hospital & Research Centre is an NABH (National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Health care services) accredited hospital which has 34 branches across the globe. It is recognized with the Centre of Excellence honor from AYUSH Department of Central Government of India. Sreedhareeyam focuses on a branch of Ayurveda called Shalakya Tantra which deals with ailments above the neck in human body. Sreedhareeyam combines the ultra-modern diagnostic equipment’s to detail and document the diagnostic phase and traditional Ayurvedic treatments to seek cure for the ailments. It doesn't advocate any surgical procedures, but uses only pure herbal medicines. It is the largest Super specialty hospital in Ayurvedic Ophthalmology in India which demonstrates the perfect harmony between modern science and traditional knowledge.