Job Type : Contract/Permanent
Number Of Applications : 162
Job Posted On : 30/08/2022
Job Posted On : 30/08/2022
Job Duration: 24 months
Hourly Rate: ₹119 - ₹136
Daily Rate: ₹955 - ₹1,091
Monthly Salary: ₹21,000 - ₹24,000
We are passionate about design, development, and deployment of aerial & space vehicles and deeply committed to promote UAV / Drones operations such as Aerial Mapping & Survey, Surveillance, Utilities, Mining, Agriculture, Forestry, Solar, Construction and Media Entertainment to match the growing demand in size and quality. Our team of Mavericks goes above and beyond to deliver excellent Industrial services integrating with Robotics & Automation to meet the global challenges in Aerospace & Défense, Automotive, Marine, Energy, Manufacturing. We are dedicated to providing absolutely safe, reliable services along with a delightful customer experience with our motto “Your Vision Our Design”.